North Hobart Free Wi-Fi

Use the internet for free

If you have a mobile device you can get online for free using the Tasmanian Government Free Wi-Fi network available in North Hobart.

The service is available in

  • the area around the payphone outside North Hobart Post Office, 412 Elizabeth Street
  • and the area around the payphone, 370 Elizabeth Street.

You can get online by connecting your Wi-Fi to the "TasGov_Free" network and accepting the terms and conditions.

You can get 30 minutes free Wi-Fi per location per device per day.

How do I connect?

  1. Enable Wi-Fi on your device by turning it on in your device settings
  2. Look up your available Wi-Fi networks on your device
  3. Select TasGov_Free from the list
  4. Accept the terms & conditions
  5. Enjoy 30 minutes free Wi-Fi per location per device

More frequently asked questions are available here on the Free Wi-Fi website