Campbell Town Free Wi-Fi

Use the internet for free

If you have a mobile device you can get online for free using the Tasmanian Government Free Wi-Fi network available in Campbell Town.

The service is available in the area around the payphone next to Valentine Park at 99 High Street, Campbell Town.

You can get online by connecting your Wi-Fi to the "TasGov_Free" network and accepting the terms and conditions.

You can get 30 minutes free Wi-Fi per location per device per day.

How do I connect?

  1. Enable Wi-Fi on your device by turning it on in your device settings
  2. Look up your available Wi-Fi networks on your device
  3. Select TasGov_Free from the list
  4. Accept the terms & conditions
  5. Enjoy 30 minutes free Wi-Fi per location per device

More frequently asked questions are available here on the Free Wi-Fi website