Module 5

Mistakes happen. It's what you do when they do that counts.
Key Points:
- Growing and learning means you will make mistakes - you're human AND you're awesome after all.
- Use your mistakes as a learning moment and show your customers that you can be a courageous leader by genuinely taking accountability for your actions.
- Your redemptive moment is showing that you can learn and adapt.
- Think you might have missed the mark? Made a blooper? Perhaps been less inclusive than you wanted? That's ok, own it and move on by showing how you have changed.
- Keep up with social media and digital norms and nuances, when in doubt ask your customers.
- Never be afraid to say 'I don't know' or ask a question - we all began as beginners :-)
- Competency comes from practice - and you've committed to your practice by doing this foundation course.
- Hey - we're proud of you, epic Tasmanian business owner. Well done.