Module 4
Things happen...
Key Points:
- Human error happens in the digital world, no surprises there. You can fix any typos and grammatical errors and trust and believe your customers will let you know what you've done wrong (often with glee).
- Hit send too soon? Loren Ipsumed a block of text? Sure, we've all been there, use it as an opportunity to connect with your customers, resend and be human, you might find your sales spike.
- Own your malfunctions, don't blame anonymous staff or the royal 'we'.
- Check your content, have you missed the mark? Own your offense and ask for help if you genuinely don't get why it's wrong. Especially on social media. We're talking education, not censorship.
- Reflection on our own biases and agendas helps us to see where we might not be connecting with our customers.
- You can minimise content malfunction by testing, sending internally, getting another opinion, and making sure it all works including links and attachments.
- Make haste slowly. Tech malfunction happens, content too. Be human, live in your values, and own it. And breathe :-)