Module Five: Creating third party evangelists


Module 5

The virtuous cycle is complete.

Key Points:

  • Once the sales part of the funnel is completed, you may think you stop there, but there is one more step that brings you back to a virtuous cycle.
  • The sales are now converted into evangelism and more lead generation by customers eager to share their purchases with the world and their social media contacts.
  • You can do this through feedback after the sale, using a net promoter score or NPS – how likely would you be to recommend this to a friend?
  • You can gather third-party endorsements to share on your social channels.
  • You can encourage purchasers to share themselves using the product or service or the benefits they received in social media posts and offer incentives.
  • Make opportunities for them to support you easy and available - and of course, when they do, thank them. You can also create VIP lists for your early adopters and strongest evangelists, using them as informal influencers for your product.
  • Use the download for this section to map your user journey using a marketing funnel and the channels and future campaigns you might run.


My Marketing Funnel Campaign Template
Complete unit