Module 5
Feeding the hungry beast.
Key Points:
- The question always is not what channel do you like, but what channel do your customers like.
- Create content that fits your brand and your values in a place where your people are, be conversational, and drive everyone back to where they can transact with you.
- Managing your content is strategic, plan it in advance so you don't get overwhelmed.
- Think of what a narrative arc across a month might look like so you can give your customers a compelling story.
- Have a spreadsheet on the go so you can capture any ideas that pop up, as well as plan logically how your content will look.
- Create in bulk and schedule out so you are in the zone and not constantly at it, but remember to leave some space for spontaneous posts.
- Think about what stories you want to tell, that fit your brand and values, and don’t limit yourself, customers love to know everything about your brand - even if you think it's boring or mundane.
- Remember social is social, even when it's selling so keep it conversational and compelling with building relationships at the core.
- Your turn now – for this unit we will be creating a social schedule for a month, download the sample worksheet below and get started or make your own using Excel. There are also plenty of free online planners and schedulers you can use - here are a few to choose from:
- Hootsuite
- Sendible
- Buffer