Module 5
Is this thing on?
Key Points:
- Like video, podcasts can be made with minimalist equipment, simply and quickly.
- A USB microphone is a great investment, can be purchased online and is built to podcast.
- Make your surroundings quiet and baffle the noise so you get a tight and directed sound with the voice at the centre. If you dont want to purchase any baffles, you can use a blanket, or egg cartons, or stack up your lounge cushions, or find the smallest space possible you can record in.
- Online programs are simple to learn, mostly drag and drop, and have all the music fills and links you need, with a single touch syndication.
- Check out your community radio station or local library for podcasting studios you might be able to use.
- Think about what your customers want, what might they want to hear in a podcast by your business? Get your customers to co-design with you so you have a ready-made user-friendly series.
- Here are some platform tools to check out:
- Alitu
- Audacity
- Auphonic
- GarageBand
- Hindenburg
- Cast