Module One: What is your website going to do?


Module 1

It's the Swiss army knife of digital tools.

  • Websites are essential – and will remain the key place where your customers get to experience your brand offering, do their research, and make a transaction happen.
  • This is where you keep your customers in a brand saturated environment. You want them to stay there as long as possible. It only takes 3 seconds to bounce out.
  • Compelling content, simple navigation, good design, and fast loading times are essential.
  • So what is your website going to do? It’s a big question, but like most of our modules we are starting at the beginning so now is the time to have a think.
  • Are you for information, for transactions, for booking?
  • Is your website itself going to do these things, or will you use a third party?
  • How complex do you need it to be now, and what will your growth look like, can it grow with you? And remember, it must be accessible on all devices.
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