Module 2
The first part of the funnel.
Key Points:
- Social media is useful in the early lead generation stages of the funnel as this is where you potentially will be able to get in front of as many new sets of eyes as possible, at this stage its not so discriminating, you are generating interest and inviting people to come on the journey with you, some of which you are going to convert into the next stage of lead nurture.
- This is where you educate, showcase, use influencers, create buzz and build awareness. You want to get people curious enough about the product or service you have to want to know more.
- This stage is definately not about selling, it is an oblique process where you are building genuine relationships based on understanding needs.
- Your work in Unit One and Two where you really focussed on how to meet the needs of your customer will be powerful here.
- Effectively in this stage you are moving people from a mild awareness, to an active interest and hopefully onto your website or a place where they can deepen their consideration.
- Think about content creation with this goal in mind, make each piece of content work hard for your brand, use relation building tools like video, live chats, reels, etc to connect with people.