Module Five: Creating your brand book


Module 5

By the book.

Key Points:

  • Great work, you are one step closer to your brand and voice merging.
  • The download for this unit is a brand book, this is an essential tool for when you are going to create your website which we will be covering in the next unit.
  • Testing your brand is important, like your USP hypothesis, it is a great opportunity for you to talk to your customers and see what they think your brand is.
  • Test your colours, logos, taglines, and content with your trusted early adopters and listen to their opinions.
  • The brand book download will help you to bring all the elements and values of your brand together in one place, so briefing designers and your staff to have consistency across all of your channels will be a breeze.
  • Does a brand change? It can as you evolve, but you need to take the customers with you.


Brand Book Template
Complete unit