Doctor Digital Recommends - Get started with content marketing

Want my recommendation? Visit the Digital Garage topic ‘Get started with content marketing’ to find out how to build trust and increase site traffic!

Content marketing is based on the creation and sharing of online material, like videos, blogs, and social media posts. It’s designed to generate interest in a company’s products or services by capturing people’s attention. It can also help to increase sales by directing traffic to your website, boost awareness of your brand and build trust and recognition amongst your audience.

With so many businesses operating online, content marketing can help your business stand out from the crowd, but how do you make sure your content is engaging the right customers?

Luckily for us, Google itself has put out some great pockets of information about all the particulars of doing your business online. Doctor Digital recommends visiting Google’s Digital Garage where you can watch short videos or read the transcript, and answer some helpful questions to test your understanding. Each lesson will take you only about 10 minutes to complete. There’s 26 digital marketing topics altogether, but Google can help you develop a learning plan where you can pick and choose what suits you.

The Digital Garage topic 'Get started with content marketing includes 6 lessons:

  • Intro to content marketing
  • Get to know your online customers
  • Choosing the right format for your content
  • Writing for online audiences
  • Help your content be seen
  • Measuring your success in content marketing

You can start learning about attracting attention online with great content by visiting Google’s digital garage through the link below

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